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Excellent reliable and cost-effective service.

-Mr P, York

Thank you for sending me two such pleasant hard working young ladies. Where do you find them?

-Mrs G, Thirsk

I would recommend the Cleanhome service to anyone it’s great value for money easy to set up and Sharon and Phil are extremely professional. My cleaner Kate always does a fantastic job.

-Mrs B, York

Cleanhome York were very quick to respond to my initial query and were able to find me the right support in less than one week. I was looking for a cleaner as soon as possible … but I never thought Cleanhome would be able to act so quickly. I had not heard of Cleanhome York before so I was very impressed with this service. Vicky has been excellent – its like having a second pair of hands … only better!!

-Mrs C, Great Ouseburn

Look after your houseplants – and they will look after you!

House plants in pots
Photo by vadim kaipov on Unsplash

Research shows that as well as adding a touch of extra life to your home, house plants can help make you healthier too

Trees along a cobbled street

A lovely tree-lined street

We live in increasingly sealed boxes. In order to be efficient, modern houses are built to be as airtight as possible; air exchange with the outdoors usually means heat loss or gain. It can be difficult (and expensive) to maintain a comfortable home while letting fresh air in – especially in the height of summer and the depths of winter.

Get fresh

Sealing off your home, however, can mean that you’re breathing more and more stale air: you consume oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. The only way to replenish the oxygen in your home is to open the doors and windows and get some fresh air in. Well, as fresh as you can get it – especially if you live in a busy city, the ‘fresh’ air will come with some aded extras from traffic and industry.

To get oxygen-rich air, we need plants. Trees, bushes, grass, flowers, water plants; all use daylight to convert carbon dioxide, water and nutrients from the soil to the molecules they need to grow and flourish. The main byproduct of the process is oxygen.

Plants indoors

Day of the Triffids

Plant power

Recent research, however, shows that CO2 is not the only substance plants are filtering from the air. The process of respiration that plants go through daily also involves filtering all kinds of substances from the air they’re absorbing. Trees and bushes have been shown to drastically reduce airborne pollution to the extent that planting a decent hedge between the road and a building can reduce the traffic fumes that reach the building significantly.

Within your own home, detergents, paints, disinfectants and aerosols can emit harmful compounds into the air, including benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia. Artificial air fresheners, rather than removing these compounds are more likely to be contributing to the problem. A common chemical compound that is included in many household cleaning products, limonene, reacts in the air to form formaldehyde, which can be particularly harmful to our health. If you’re looking to ‘pickle’ a biological sample, formaldehyde is your go-to chemical. Probably not great to be breathing too much of it.

Well, it turns out that the humble house plant is just the ticket for helping to clean up and freshen the air in your home. They are great at filtering CO2 and toxins (as well as airborne bacteria) and producing oxygen. House plants even help to regulate the humidity in your home, which can be valuable on close summer days or in winter, when your central heating lowers the humidity.

Room with lots of house plants

Add a bit of nature indoors

Pick your favourite plants to place around your home in light positions, but if you’re looking for the high-performers at air filtration, go for ivy, palms, ferns, or a couple of the old favourites: the Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica) and the Spider Plant. These are all easy to care for, and do a good job of improving your indoor air.

Cleaning your cleaners

While they’re doing a great job of cleaning up the air in your home, return the favour and give them a little clean every so often to make sure they’re not under a layer of dust. In nature, they’d be exposed to wind and rain, so dust isn’t something they would have to deal with. Keeping them clean also helps them to resist pests, infections and mould.

Cleaning methods

1. Give them a shower

If they’re easily portable and they’re not sensitive to over-watering (cacti, succulents and orchids don’t like too much water), you can simulate a bit of rainfall and just put your plants in the shower. Make sure the water is cool (neither hot nor very cold) and give them a gentle dousing, then let them drip dry before returning them to their spot. You can do several at once like this.

If the weather is nice and mild and you’re due a bit of rain, you could just pop your plants outside to catch a shower and bring them in again.

2. Give them a wipe over

Larger and less portable plants, especially those with larger leaves, will benefit from a gentle wipe over with a damp cloth. Support the underside of each leaf with your hand while you gently wipe the upper.

3. Misting

For the more water-sensitive plant (the afore-mentioned cacti, succulents and orchids), you can spray a fine mist over the plant to dampen and clean it.

Desk with computer surrounded by house plants

A happier work environment

4. Gentle brushing

For plants that don’t have shiny waxy leaves, and for the less spiny cactus,  you can use an art brush to gently dust the leaves or body of the plant to get rid of dust without having to get them wet.

Mutual care

If you give them a bit of care and attention, and follow the advice for caring for each type of plant, your house plants should make your house cleaner, healthier – and, as other research into the positive reaction many of us have to the presence of greenery in our homes has shown – happier!

So why not get green-fingered and give your home a breath of fresh, naturally-filtered air?

Let us know how you get on!

Cleanhome York – Bespoke Service.

We are not happy until you are! Your cleaner will usually tailor their services to fit exactly with your requirements, including spring cleaning and ironing.

Bespoke Service

We are not happy until you are! Your cleaner will usually tailor their services to fit exactly with your requirements, including spring cleaning and ironing.

Peace of Mind

Only 1 in 50 applicants makes it on to our carefully screened database. We interview them twice, visit them in their own homes and take up at least two references. And if they still subsequently don't measure up to your standards, we will send you someone who does.

Personal Cleaner

We don't operate in teams, and therefore you get the same cleaner every week. This is good because you develop a relationship with your cleaner. We have some clients who have had the same cleaner for years and years - and that's what we want for you.

COVID-19 5th January Update


Just to let you know we are open for business as usual and you can continue to have your cleaner clean your house.

The government has made it clear that cleaners are still permitted to work inside peoples' homes as long as Government Guidelines on social distancing and staying safe are followed (see below). In summary:

You can be outside of your home for work purposes where your place of work remains open and where you cannot work from home, including if your job involves working in other people's homes.

The full text can be found here New National Restrictions from 5 January (in England; there are similar texts available for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Specifically relating to cleaners, the guidance continues: 'This guidance applies to those working in, visiting or delivering to home environments. These include, but are not limited to, people working in the following areas:

  • 'This can include work in other people's homes where necessary - for example, for nannies, cleaners, social care workers providing support to children and families, or tradespeople (this is not an exhaustive list)'

Note this guidance is for people who are fit and well, and is dependent on the following social distancing guidelines being followed:

  • No work should be carried out in a household where people are isolating or where an individual is being shielded.
  • The cleaners can continue work, providing that they are well and have no symptoms. No work should be carried out by a cleaner who has coronavirus symptoms, however mild, or when someone in their own household has symptoms.
  • No work should be carried out in a household where any occupants are clinically extremely vulnerable to coronavirus, or households with a possible or confirmed case of coronavirus.
  • Whilst in the house. a cleaner should maintain a safe distance of at least two metres from any household occupant at all times, and ensure good ventilation in the area where they are working, including opening the window.
  • Upon entering the home, cleaners should wash their hands using soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • Cleaners should wash their hands regularly, particularly after blowing their nose, sneezing or coughing, and when leaving the property.

The good news with regard to cleaning is that the cleaners can social distance from their clients very easily, and we would advise that, if you are at home when they are there, that you remain in a separate room to your cleaner.

If you are happy to adhere to the government guidelines - and if your cleaner has not been in touch already - then please just call the office and we will ensure that your cleaning continues.

Best regards

The Cleanhome Team